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Jumpstart your threat-informed defense journey.

Evaluate your readiness against the cyber threats most relevant to your organization and get custom recommendations for improvement.


Benefits of a Threat Informed Assessment

Every assessment is fully customized to the needs of your organization. Here are just a few possible benefits and recommendations.

Define Threat Profiles

Identify the specific tactics, techniques, and procedures adversaries are likely to use to target your business

Identify Security Gaps

Map the techniques used by the adversaries you care about to the tools in your security stack

Optimize Defenses

Custom analytics help ensure the tools in your security stack are targeting your specific threats  

Communicate Risk Reduction

Easily to talk to leadership and stakeholders about your organization's overall cyber defense picture

A running start at threat-informed defense

Does getting started with threat-informed defense sound daunting? Let Tidal help! Our Threat-Informed Assessment, featuring the Tidal Confidence Score™, will provide the recommendations you need to make your threat-informed defense journey a success. We can help you identify the threats most relevant to your business, optimize your defenses, and more.

Using the state-of-the-art Tidal Confidence Score, our team can give you answers to the key questions all cybersecurity professionals face:

  • What types of attacks are we concerned with? 
  • What work have we done to thwart those attacks? 
  • Do we have evidence that the work was effective?