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Immediately Actionable Threat-Informed Defense

Adversaries and their tactics, techniques, and procedures change almost daily. Your security teams are working at least double-time to keep up with the different intelligence and detections needed in order to stave off attacks. You have great security tools in your tech stack but you can't know until faced with an attack if they are doing their job. What if you could operationalize Threat-Informed Defense and constantly check your defensive stack against MITRE ATT&CK maps, curated threat intelligence, and other defensive and CTI data to help you appropriately tune what you already have to protect you? You can. Try Enterprise Edition now.

New! Read about our Coverage Map Rollup feature - it's a game changer!

Are Your Defenses Good Enough?

Tailoring your defenses to adversary behavior is a more strategic way to go about defending your organization. Tidal Cyber Enterprise Edition makes it quick and painless to identify your most relevant threats, see how your current security stack addresses them, and improve your overall cybersecurity posture. In short, we can tell if what you have deployed is doing what is needed to protect you.

Want to get your hands on the platform? We offer a FREE lightweight 14-day proof-of-concept. Email us if interested.

Tidal Cyber Enterprise Edition

Threat-Informed Defense

We work hard to synthesize open and closed intelligence sources against MITRE ATT&CK to provide critical information to both our Community and Enterprise users. But our Enterprise users gain a whole lot more.


Ready to get started?

Book a demo with our sales team to see how Tidal Cyber Enterprise Edition can make your cybersecurity team more effective and efficient, while also saving money.